Nausea During Pregnancy

Nausea and vomiting is very common in early pregnancy. It can affect you at any time of the day or night, and some women feel sick all day long. Nausea may be unpleasant, and for some women it can significantly affect their day-to-day life. Usually it will clear up by...

Postpartum Meals

The transition from pregnancy to postpartum is enormous — especially because it involves a newborn baby, making milk, and almost nonexistent sleep. Add that to the fact that you’re recovering from just having birthed a baby and your world is full. It is a good...

Postpartum Planning

While you are pregnant and planning for a new baby, make sure that creating a postpartum plan is at the top of your priority list! Many expectant parents spend most of their preparation time planning for childbirth and getting the nursery ready, but few parents really...

The Power of Breathing

Can you create a shorter, easier birth by simply breathing? The science says by aligning the uterine muscles for maximum efficiency yields the possibility of a shorter, easier birth. But how can you achieve this? During your birthing time, as your pressure waves...

Prepare Your Mindset for the Birth You Desire

Can you remember being a child and wanting something so intensely that it’s all you thought about, talked about, and no matter what anyone else told you, you simply stuck with it? This childlike tenacity and determination is the stuff of pure creation and magic....